This is Brittany in Bukoba


COSAD’s vision:
To empower Tanzanians to become economically independent one community as a time. 

COSAD’s mission:
To build partnerships that create community development through the support of projects involving micro-enterprise, health, education, and culture.  

COSAD’s Programs:

  • Tanzania Community Enterprise (TACE) focuses on economic empowerment through its current projects: One Woman, One Goat (OWOG), Sewing Singers & Uniform Project, and Micro-Grants for rural artisans (drum making, handcrafts, and weaving).

  • Community Health Awareness Initiative (CHAI) focuses on providing accessible health care and preventative measures for the people living in the rural villages around Bukoba.  CHAI has educated 4 local nurses, and commissions volunteers to work as Community Health Workers (CHW's), reaching out and addressing health issues in their villages.  The COSAD Medical Clinic is opening at the end of 2014, and will provide further support in COSAD's mission to provide health care, intervention and preventative measures for the rural villages.  The clinic will aim to serve all people with excellent care, employ local nurses, and provide a base for international medical volunteers to work from.

  • Community Schools and COSAD Learning Centers are established at three different government (public) schools in the villages around Bukoba.  They provide an educational library and resources for the local teachers, a place for volunteers to work from when working with the schools, and they facilitate partnerships for the purpose of strengthening and encouraging the next generation.

To read more about COSAD, visit their website:http://cosad.org/

 Pictured above are Kiteyagwa students, and Antifona Anthony (COSAD staff member) at Kiteyagwa Primary School in Kagondo.  Kiteyagwa is home to one of COSAD's learning centers.  The girls' soccer team at Kiteyagwa utilizes the center as a base/preparation site, and Kiteyagwa teachers come to check out books to use.

Pictured above is Amelia in & outside her home, where she and other women in the village weaves baskets to help support their families through the support of TACE funds and resources.  These women (group picture) recently received goats and became a part of COSAD's OWOG program which will provide better economic stability for their families.

This is a picture of the Imuka Singers practicing in Tanzania.  They are a group of talented men and women that preform traditional song and dance to raise awareness for COSAD and share Tanzania's rich culture.


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