Our Two-Week Marathon: Preparing for October 3&4 GRAND OPENINGS
Our work at COSAD Tanzania has gone from 10mph to 100mph in just a few days. Almost one week ago, our director and his family arrived in Bukoba to finish several details for our Social Enterprise Projects’ Grand Openings on October 3rd & 4th.For those of you who would like to know more about each SE Project and how it will affect and contribute to the mission of COSAD, I will follow up with more details in my coming posts. For now, I wanted to highlight the basics for our Grand Openings, and invite you to celebrate with us since they are a major source of excitement and celebration within the COSAD Tanzania community this month!
Check out some of our preparations in pictures:
COSAD House: Unloading the last batch of supplies from the container to transport to the clinic. |
Clinic: painting & restoration. |
Clinic: Rearranging and organizing additional supplies. |
Clinic: Jeremy, a COSAD USA board member, viewing all SE Projects before Grand Openings. |
Signs: Several more in the making! |
Bukoba Business Lounge: This is also where the Imuka Recording Studio will be. |
Bukoba Business Lounge/ Imuka Recording Studio: A complete interior over-haul! Tiles being hauled in for instillation. |
Monica: COSAD office staff & "Community Relations Specialist" in downtown Bukoba delivering invitations to local businesses. |
COSAD House: Finishing grounds work. |
Can I have an invitation pleaseee?..I work for the National Insurance Corporation of Tanzania Limited here in Bukoba...My name is EVANS MWIJAGE my contacts are mwiba85@live.com/0767 860 001