This is Brittany in Bukoba
Sunday, April 12, 2015

March - April Village Trips!

This March/April, the COSAD team traveled to two villages to follow up on our OWOG projects.  In Kitwe village, we conducted our first follow-up since giving the pilot group of ten women, ten goats late last year.  Veterinarian Erasmus Emmanuel provided each goat with routine injections, and he said the women were keeping the goats healthy & well.  Proscovia also received good reports from the women on how the goats added to their economic stability, even after only a few months of keeping them.  Favorable reports have been very common to the OWOG project.  We have likewise seen tremendous growth and vibrancy in the village of Izigo, which the COSAD team visited just two weeks after our follow-up visit in Kitwe.

Izigo was the first village to participate in the OWOG program in 2008, and our recent visit showed vibrant growth.  Our visit gave me a better understanding of how many generations of goats have been produced, how many families have benefited, and a sense of some of the hurdles and challenges the women have encountered in growing the program.  Overall, the visit helped me personalize the most recent “formal” report from Izigo’s program, and it gave me another opportunity to build relationships with the amazing people we partner with in Izigo!  I just LOVE being in our village communities! 




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